Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Intermedio 1 - B1

Resultado de su test

Apreciado usuario,
Gracias por participar en el Programa Ispeak 2012, una iniciativa del Ministerio de Comercio,
Industria y Turismo
 liderada por el Programa de Transformación Productiva, a través de la cual se evalúa
y certifica el nivel de inglés
de las personas residentes en Colombia,
para conformar el Registro Nacional de personas Certificadas en Inglés.
Recuerde que los resultados aquí presentados corresponden a la calificación
 obtenida en la prueba virtual de diagnóstico, no otorgan la certificación.
Las personas que obtengan los mayores resultados serán invitadas a partir del mes de agosto,
 vía correo electrónico, a presentar la prueba presencial de certificación en una de las
14 ciudades del paísestablecidas para tal fin.
 De igual manera, la citación se podrá consultar a través de la página web, iniciando sesión en la sección de aspirantes con sus datos
de usuario y contraseña.
En caso de no resultar seleccionado, lo invitamos a consultar la página web del programa ispeak,
 donde se publicará la información de las futuras convocatorias.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Beautiful statue of liberty Figures ( Note pag 37 )

Beautiful statue of liberty Figures
The Perfect Gift from Memorable Moments
Are you looking for an ideal gift for a fiend or family?

Why not choose one of our Statue of liberty figure and give to the person special for you. The figure of statue of liberty are very beautiful and very inexpensive are made materials that help conserve nature and the world.

This figures are simply but have a pine scent that will keep anywhere in your home with a pleasant atmosphere are a beautiful reminder of did travel that you.

With the figure you may find a message for your family or friends with interesting legends. 

Only $ 100.00
Delivered within 15 days.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Transactional Letters


-What is a transactional letter?

Transactional letters or emails which responded to written information. You use the transactional letters when you are writing notes, letters, invitations, advertisement, etc.

The style of writing can be formal, semi-formal or informal, depending on who you are writing to.

It very important to include all the factual information given in the rubric.

-What are the steps when writing a transactional letter?

When you writing (transactional letter) you have to consider the following steps.


Is important that you have clear your objective and style that  you will need to use.


You have remember that you only can use 120-150 words, Take advantage of this and use the extra time for planning.

There are three things to consider when you are thinking about a plan:

- The question.

- The original letter or email.

- The handwritten notes.

This is very important to write well and consistently.


In this step you have to describe each paragraph and the idea in treat each of these.

You must have:

    a)   A very short opening paragraph

    b)  The first main paragraph

    c)   The second main paragraph

    d)   The ending

    You have to develop clear ideas so that the message is correct


Is more easy when you are using your own words because you are demonstrative that your vocabulary and your grammar is more wide and that you have a control of topic or a conversation in general.


You have to take into account the need to use the style appropriate for writing either a letter or an email.
You have to take into account the following tracks so that communication does not lose meaning:

a) Use short forms like isn’t, won’t, it’s, I’ve instead of is not, will not, it is, I have, etc.  

b) Sometimes miss out words in a sentence - In letter writing, it is often quite common to miss out the word ‘I’.

c) Use informal intensifiers – In spoken English, we often use words like really and incredibly meaning really nice, really good.  We often also use some of the more extreme intensifier + adjective combinations such as completely fantastic, absolutely awful, etc

d) Use simple vocabulary - In English there is often a choice between a simpler word or phrasal verb and a longer more complex word.


I think that this step is the most important because you have check the grammar and all the letter or email for see that all are well and correct the mistakes before send the letter or email.

 Is important that check the preposition go back and check each one carefully for don't have errors.


3. What is the most important information that you should take into account at the time of writing a transactional letter?

 I think that the more important the steps six because is the summary of the all writing and you have checked your mistakes and correct the necessary for the letter or email are spelled correctly.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Letter to my Friend.

Dear Lee,
Hope you are well, I miss you a lot. I hope that you are well in Spain, I will go to London because I want learn more language and perfect my English also know different cultures and other people that help me for my knowledge and my life.

I want that you know that my life in this moment are very well, I have a good job, a big house and a beautiful dog and I know to you love the animals and I bought a dog for you, when I return I hope to take your dog with you.

Also I want go to visit my sister because she is in Canada and I miss her, for now not is more; I hope that you can read my letter and then I will write you from my new destination.

Regards to people that know me, please tell my family I love them and they will soon return. Kisses.